Today I will show you how to open phone dialer using html or open call dialer using html you don’t need to add any javascript code for this you just click and your phone or call dialer will open with number dialed like above image
I will show you how to open phone dialer using html it is very simple just one line of code you can use anywhere like react js, next js or angular.
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How to open phone dialer using html
You can easily open call or phone dialer in html by adding tel in a href tag like this
whenever someone clicks the link This code will redirect to the call dialer of your phone with number typed you need to enter the number after tel which you want to be typed in the call dialer.
Thank you for reading this was a short article on opening call dialer in html or javascript I hope you found this article helpful and if you want more articles like this than subscribe to our newsletter where you will get daily updates of our blog posts.