In this article we show you Best book for hacking WIFI password. There are many books but we discuss only some Best book for hacking WIFI password.
Here the List of Popular Best Hacking Books PDF Download. You can download pdf of these books after purchase from amazon. This article on ethical hacking + cybersecurity books will take you through the best books for cybersecurity. These books will introduce you to new ideas and help you solve your questions on cybersecurity. Here, you will look at the following topics: (Best Book for Hacking WIFI Password)
- What is Cybersecurity?
- What is Ethical Hacking?
- Cybersecurity Books
What Is Cybersecurity?
Before we get into the best cybersecurity books, let us give you a quick refresher on cybersecurity. Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting programs, networks, computer systems, and their components from unauthorized digital access and attacks. We term these attacks as cyberattacks. (Best Book for Hacking WIFI Password)
Cyberattacks result in the loss and access to confidential data, loss of money, and reputation loss for organizations. Hence, it is crucial to prevent cyberattacks, and for that, implementing cybersecurity measures is a necessity.
What Is Ethical Hacking?
Ethical hacking is the process in which a system’s vulnerability is discovered and exploited. We carry this out with the motive of ensuring system security.
We know individuals who perform ethical hacking as ethical hackers. Ethical hackers perform such hacking only with prior permission from the concerned authorities. Various hacking techniques and tools are used to carry out ethical hacking.
Let us now take you through the list of the best cybersecurity books.
List of Top 10 Best Book for Hacking WIFI Password
Here, we have formulated a list of the 10 best cybersecurity books that will help learners. Let’s get started:
1. Hacking: A Beginners’ Guide to Computer Hacking, Basic Security, And Penetration Testing
Author: John Slavio
- This book on hacking is handy for beginners. It can help you take the first step in your ethical hacking career.
- The topics covered in this book are the history of hacking, types of hackers, various types of hacking attacks, essential hacking tools and software, and hiding IP addresses.
- It also speaks about mobile hacking, hacking an email address, penetration testing, and spoofing attacks.
2. Hacking for Beginners : A Basic Guide Book
Author: Chhatrapal Prajapat & Mayank : Best Book for Hacking WIFI Password

- This book is written only for educational purposes and is a comprehensive guide to ethical hacking and cybersecurity. By reading this book one can easily clear their doubts and concepts regarding Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity.
- This book contains chapters of ethical hacking. cybersecurity, cyber attacks, Phishing Attacks, Keyloggers, Wireless Hacking, Email Hacking, Window Hacking & Security, Various Trojans, Android Mobile Hacking , Sniffers, Linux Hacking Tools and many more.
3. Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide
Authors: David Kennedy, Jim O’Gorman, Devon Kearns, and Mati Aharoni
- A Metasploit framework is a vital tool used by hackers for discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities. However, for first-time users, it can be a little challenging. Hence, this book will teach you all about Metasploit.
- In this book, you’ll learn the framework’s interfaces, module system, advanced penetration testing techniques, which include network reconnaissance, client-side attacks, wireless attacks, and targeted social-engineering attacks.
- Here, you will also learn to Integrate NeXpose, Nmap, and Nessus with Metasploit to automate discovery. Best Book for Hacking WIFI Password
4. Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking
Author: Georgia Weidman
- This book throws an insight into penetration testing. Penetration testers discover security weaknesses in operating systems, networks, and applications.
- This book focuses on the core skills and techniques a penetration tester requires. Here, you’ll be acquainted with the prime stages of an actual assessment, which includes gathering information, unraveling vulnerabilities, gaining access to networks, and so on.
- In addition to the above, you will learn to crack passwords, bypass antivirus software, automate attacks, and you will also learn to use the Metasploit framework for launching exploits and for writing your Metasploit modules out of the many other teachings.
5. The Hacker Playbook 3: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing
Author: Peter Kim
- This is the third iteration of the THP – The Hacker Playbook Series. It brings new strategies, attacks, exploits, and tips. Besides all the new concepts, it highlights a few techniques from the previous versions.
- The Hacker Playbook 3 – Red Team Edition acquaints you with the Red Team. Red Teams simulate real-world, advanced attacks to test your organization’s defensive teams.
- Reading this will help you advance your offensive hacking skills and attack paths. In addition to that, it also focuses on real-world attacks, exploitation, custom malware, persistence, and more.
6. Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Authors: Michael Sikorski, Andrew Honig
- Malware is malicious software that hackers often use to exploit system vulnerabilities. This book on Practical Malware Analysis teaches about the tools and techniques used by analysts. Best Book for Hacking WIFI Password
- This book will guide you to analyze, debug, and disassemble malicious software.
- Here, you will also learn to set up a safe virtual environment to analyze malware, how to crack open malware, gauge the damage it has done, clean your network, and verify that the malware never comes back.
7. Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking
Author: Christopher Hadnagy
- Social engineering depends on human errors to gain access to confidential information. Systems can be protected, but we can use no code that can be certain to help protect data when it is a human being.
- This book depicts the most commonly used social engineering methods and shows how they were being used in the past.
- Here, you will learn to examine the common social engineering tricks, analyze how social engineers can use emotions, adopt fruitful counter-measures to prevent hacking, and many more.
8. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C
Authors: Bruce Schneier : best cyber security book
- This book provides a comprehensive survey of modern cryptography.
- It defines how professionals can use cryptography to encipher and decipher messages.
- It consists of several cryptography algorithms and shows how to solve security problems.
9. Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters
Author: Justin Seitz : best cyber security book
- Many exploit frameworks are written in Python; here, using GitHub, you will learn to create a trojan command-and-control, detect sandboxing, and automate common malware tasks.
- In this book, you’ll go through the darker side of Python’s capabilities, like infecting virtual machines, writing network sniffers, creating stealthy trojans, etc.
- This book covers a few networking fundamentals, web applications, windows privilege escalation tricks, and more.
10. The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws
Author: Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto : best cyber security book
- The second edition of this book focuses on updated Web applications, exposing them to attacks and executing fraudulent transactions.
- It speaks about the latest step-by-step methods for attacking and defending the extensive range of ever-evolving Web applications. It also discusses new remoting frameworks, HTML5, UI redress, and hybrid file attacks, to name a few.
- In addition to the above, the other concepts are Attacking Authentication, Attacking the Application Server, Finding Vulnerabilities in Source Code, etc.
Those were the list of the best cybersecurity books.
Wireless Hacking Techniques
A typical hacker attack is not a simple, one-step procedure. It is rare that a hacker can get online or dial up on a remote computer and use only one method to gain full access.
It is more likely that the attacker will need several techniques used in combination to bypass the many layers of protection standing between them and root administrative access. Therefore, as a security consultant or network administrator, you should be well versed in these occult techniques in order to thwart them.
This chapter, which will be a review for advanced users, will introduce the main types of hacker attacks. Expert users will want to skip ahead to the next chapter (Chapter 7, “Wireless Attacks”) and go straight for the goodies.
The following techniques are not specific to wireless networks. Each of these attacks can take multiple forms, and many can be targeted against both wired and wireless networks.
When viewed holistically, your wireless network is just another potential hole for a hacker. Therefore, this chapter will review hacking techniques from a generic perspective.
Diverse Hacker Attack Methods
The stereotyped image conjured up by most people when they hear the term “hacker” is that of a pallid, atrophied recluse cloistered in a dank bedroom, whose spotted complexion is revealed only by the unearthly glare of a Linux box used for port scanning with Perl.
This mirage might be set off by other imagined features, such as dusty stacks of Dungeons and Dragons lore from the 1980s, empty Jolt Cola cans, and Japanese techno music streaming from the Net.
However, although computer skill is central to a hacker’s profession, there are many additional facets that he must master. In fact, if all you can do is point and click, you are a script kiddie, not a hacker.
A real hacker must also rely on physical and interpersonal skills such as social engineering and other “wet work” that involves human interaction. However, because most people have a false stereotype of hackers, they fail to realize that the person they are chatting with or talking to on the phone might in fact be a hacker in disguise. In fact, this common misunderstanding is one of the hackers’ greatest assets.
Social Engineering
Social engineering is not unique to hacking. In fact, many people use this type of trickery every day, both criminally and professionally. Whether it be haggling for a lower price on a lawn mower at a garage sale, or convincing your spouse you really need that new toy or outfit, you are manipulating the “target.” Although your motives might be benign, you are guilty of socially engineering the other party.
The Virtual Probe
One example of social engineering that information technology managers face on a weekly basis is solicitation from vendors. An inimical form of sales takes the form of thinly disguised telemarketing. Straying far from ethical standards of sales technique, such vendors will attempt to trick you into giving them information so they can put your company’s name on a mailing list.
Here is one such attempt that we get regularly:
“Hi, this is the copier repair company. We need to get the model of your copier for our service records. Can you get that for us?”
Now, this sounds innocent enough, and there are probably many that fall for this tactic. However, they are simply trying to trick you into providing sensitive information-information that they really have no business knowing.
Like the scam artist, a hacker often uses similar techniques. A popular method that hackers use is pretending to be a survey company. A hacker can call and ask all kinds of questions about the network operating systems, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), firewalls, and more in the guise of a researcher. If the hacker was really malicious, she could even offer a cash reward for the time it took for the network administrator to answer the questions. Unfortunately, most people fall for the bait and reveal sensitive network information.
Lost Password
One of the most common goals of a hacker is to obtain a valid user account and password. In fact, sometimes this is the only way a hacker can bypass security measures.
If a company uses firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and more, a hacker will need to borrow a real account until he can obtain root access and set up a new account for himself. However, how can a hacker get this information? One of the easiest ways is to trick someone into giving it to them.
For example, many organizations use a virtual private network (VPN) that enables remote employees to connect to the network from home and essentially become a part of the local network.
This is a very popular method of enabling people to work from home, but is also a potential weak spot in any security perimeter. As VPNs are set up and maintained by the IT department, hackers will often impersonate an actual employee and ask one of the IT staff for the password by pretending to have lost the settings. If the IT employee believes the person, he willingly and often gladly hands over the keys. Voila!
The hacker now can connect from anywhere on the Internet and use an authorized account to work his way deeper into the network. Imagine if you were the lowly IT staff person on call and the CEO rang you up at 10:30 p.m. irate about a lost password. Would you want to deny her access, risking the loss of your job? Probably not, which makes this type of fear a hacker’s best friend.
Chatty Technicians
If you are a home user and think you have nothing to fear from this type of impersonation, think again-you are actually targeted more often by scammers and hackers alike.
This is because many Internet newcomers (newbies) will believe anything someone appearing to be their ISP’s tech support personnel tells them. For example, hackers will often send out mass messages to people, or sit in chat rooms and wait for a newbie to come along.
They will then set up a fake account or use simple tricks to make it appear as if an AOL employee is chatting with them. What the newbies do not realize is that they are actually talking with a hacker in disguise. So, they willingly hand over everything from credit cards to user names and passwords. See Figure 1 for an example of how a fake request might appear.
Social Spying
Social spying is the process of “using observation to acquire information.” Although social engineering can provide a hacker with crucial information, small businesses are better protected against social engineering because many people in very small companies know each other. For example, if one of the IT staff received a call from a hacker pretending to be a distressed CEO, he would probably recognize the voice as not belonging to the real CEO. In this case, social spying becomes more important.
To illustrate one of the nontechnical ways social spying can be used, consider how many people handle ATM cards. For example, do you hide your PIN when you take money out at the ATM?
Take note of how people protect their PIN the next time you are in line at the ATM. You will probably note most people do not care. Most will whip out their card and punch the numbers without a care for who could be watching. If the wrong person memorized the PIN, he would have all the information needed to access the funds in the account, provided he could first get his hands on the ATM card. Thus, a purse-snatcher would not only get the money just withdrawn from an ATM, but could easily go back and withdraw the entire day’s limit.
Similarly, hackers socially spy on users as they enter passwords. A “flower delivery” at 8:00 a.m. in the morning would give a hacker the necessary excuse to casually stroll through an office building. Although she appears to be looking for the recipient of the flowers, she could be watching for people entering passwords or other sensitive information.
In addition to snooping on people as they actively type their user information, most offices have at least several people who are guilty of posting their password on or near their computer monitor.
This type of blatant disregard for security is every network administrator’s worst nightmare. Regardless of repeated memos, personal visits, and warnings, some people seem to always find an excuse to post their network password right in plain view. Even if some people are at least security-conscious enough to hide their Post-it notes in a discreet place, it still only takes a few seconds to lift up a keyboard or pull open a desk drawer.
If you do not believe this, take a quick walk around and see just how many potential security violations are in your office area. You might be very surprised to see just what type of information is there for the taking!
Garbage Collecting
Have you ever thrown away a credit card statement without shredding it?
If so, you are a potential target. Although you might consider your trash to be sacred territory that no one enters because it is dirty, your trash, and the trash of your company, is often a gold mine. Fishing through garbage to find passwords, also known as dumpster diving, can provide a hacker with the crucial information needed to take over your network.
Let’s consider a scenario. If you are a network administrator and you receive an anonymous tip that people are posting passwords all around the office, what would you do? Most administrators would immediately investigate and send out a memo to everyone in the company stating that this activity is not allowed, and that violations will be dealt with harshly. Although this might get everyone to temporarily take down their Post-it passwords, the problem has only been exacerbated, for all those passwords are now headed right to the anonymous caller who is waiting at the dumpster.
In addition to passwords, hackers can find memos, sensitive reports, diskettes, old hard drives, and more in the trash. Imagine the value an old cash register hard drive could have to a hacker looking for a way to gain access to a company’s credit card database. In many cases, a hard drive can simply be installed on another computer and searched using inexpensive (or free) forensics tools.
A sniffer is a program and/or device that monitors all information passing through a computer network. It sniffs the data passing through the network off the wire and determines where the data is going, where it’s coming from, and what it is. In addition to these basic functions, sniffers might have extra features that enable them to filter a certain type of data, capture passwords, and more. Some sniffers (for example, the FBI’s controversial mass-monitoring tool Carnivore) can even rebuild files sent across a network, such as an email or Web page.
A sniffer is one of the most important information gathering tools in a hacker’s arsenal. The sniffer gives the hacker a complete picture (network topology, IP addresses) of the data sent and received by the computer or network it is monitoring. This data includes, but is not limited to, all email messages, passwords, user names, and documents. With this information, a hacker can form a complete picture of the data traveling on a network, as well as capture important tidbits of data that can help her gain complete control over a network.
How Does a Sniffer Work?
For a computer to have the capability to sniff a network, it must have a network card running in a special mode. This is called promiscuous mode, which means it can receive all the traffic sent across the network. A network card will normally only accept information that has been sent to its specific network address. This network address is properly known as the Media Access Control (MAC) address. You can find your own MAC address by going to the Windows Taskbar and clicking Start?Run and typing winipcfg (for Windows 95/98/ME) or ipconfig /all (for Windows NT/2000/.NET Server). The MAC address is also called the physical address.